
How are Speech and Language Assessments different for children with hearing loss?
What is involved in an Auditory-Verbal evaluation?
How is a Listening Assessment different from a Receptive Language Assessment?
How is Language Difference vs. Language Disorder determined in children with hearing loss?
What tools can be used to evaluate Listening, Language, and Speech skills for children who use sign language to communicate?

*All assessments are provided by a licensed SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST with LISTENING AND SPOKEN LANGUAGE SPECIALIST certification.

  • Listening Development
  • Spoken Language Development
  • Articulation of Speech
  • Oral Mechanism Function
  • Voice Quality
  • Fluency of Connected Speech
  • Social Language Development
  • Vocabulary Development
  • Auditory Discrimination
  • Speech-Reading
  • Theory of Mind Development

  • For SCHOOLS Assessments include a detailed report with test data, communication strengths & weaknesses, & recommendations for accommodations & modifications.
  • For CLINICS Assessments include a detailed report with test data, communication strengths & weaknesses, & recommendations for service delivery goals & objectives and episodes of care.

All assessments aim to provide insight for empowering children & students to reach their best listening & spoken language potential, regardless of their primary mode of communication.


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